sábado, 28 de janeiro de 2017

Há muito tempo defendo a implantação de modelos short lines, que seriam operados por empesas independente, alimentando uma linha principal, como assim é na Europa, EUA e Canada.]

Mesmo quem não entende inglês, vai notar no final dessa matéria a enorme quantidade de operadoras independentes no Canadá.

Juntas, transportaram 19 bilhões de tku's.

Essa é a lógica que a turma da linha mineira (Viçosa e Lavras) desejam. Acho que o pessoal de Macaé também pensa assim.

 abs e bom domingo

Freight - Short Line/Regional Members
The Canada Transportation Act (1996) spurred dramatic growth in short lines. The sector originated more than 22 per cent of all freight carload traffic for the Class 1's in 2009. Short lines moved 19 billion revenue tonne-km. in 2009, representing the equivalent of 15 per cent of domestic for-hire truck activity. Short lines have become integral to the network and provide vital services to regional and remote markets. They operate on lower density rail lines, feeding traffic into and delivering traffic from mainline railways.
Short lines compete directly with trucks. Trucks are important players in moving the commodities typically carried by short lines, but trucks benefit from using publicly provided roads without paying their full costs.   
Short lines are important to an environmentally sustainable system. Most traffic carried by short lines would otherwise need to move by truck which is far less fuel efficient and adds to highway congestion.
Short lines need upgraded infrastructure. However, their financial capacity limits the short line railways in upgrading their infrastructure to meet the car-loading standard for the North American railway industry.  
Very few of the short line infrastructure projects could advance on strictly private grounds; public-private partnerships would allow the projects to move forward, yielding considerable public benefits.
Fortunately, there is now greater interest, in some jurisdictions, in shared-cost federal/provincial/private sector support for rail infrastructure improvement. Nine short lines in Quebec are currently restoring 1,600 km. of their railway infrastructure through a funding agreement with the Government of Canada and the province of Quebec. The infrastructure improvements include intensive work to change rails and ties, distribute ballast, level railroad track and repair bridges and will increase the load capacity for the short line railways contributing to the region's economy by intensifying trade. The project's estimated total cost is $75 million with a $30 million contribution by the Federal government as part of Canada's Strategic Infrastructure Fund program. It is anticipated that the project will be complete by 2012.
Moving forward, it will be a challenge for short lines to maintain current business levels and to an even greater degree pursue new opportunities, especially for customers requiring heavier car loadings. Considering the current regime of highway funding and trucks' GHG emissions propensity, a shift from short line traffic to truck with the resulting cost to governments, the public and the environment would not be in the public's best interest. 

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